For an up-to-date publication list of scientific papers and reviews please follow the link:
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- reviews & editorial articles,
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Publications by the former group of Biochemical Pharmacy:
C. Husteden, F. Doberenz, N. Goergen, S. R. Pinnapireddy, C. Janich, A. Langner, F. Syrowatka, A. Repanas, F. Erdmann, J. Jedelská, U. Bakowsky, T. Groth, C. Wölk. Contact-Triggered Lipofection from Multilayer Films Designed as Surfaces for In Situ Transfection Strategies in Tissue Engineering. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2020, [more]
J.J. Schüer, C. Wölk, U. Bakowsky, S.R. Pinnapireddy. Comparison of Tanaka lipid mixture with natural surfactant Alveofact to study nanoparticle internactions on Langmuir film balance. Colloids and surfaces B. 2020, 188, 110750, [more]
C. Wölk, G. Hause, O. Gutowski, R. D. Harvey, G. Brezesinski. Enhanced chain packing achieved via putative headgroup ion-triplet formation in binary anionic lipid/cationic surfactant mixed monolayers. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 2019, 255, 104827 [mehr]
J. Giselbrecht, S. Wiedemann, S. R. Pinnapireddy, N. Goergen, H. Loppnow, D. Sedding, F. Erdmann, U. Bakowsky, G. Hause, M. Lúcio, A. Langner, C. Wölk. Nucleic acid carrier composed of a branched fatty acid lysine conjugate—Interaction studies with blood components. Coll. Surf. B. 2019, 184, 110547 [mehr]
C. Stefaniu, C. Wölk, G. Brezesinski, E. Schneck. Relationship between structure and molecular interactions in monolayers of specially designed aminolipids. Nanoscale Advances 2019, 1 (9) , 3529-3536. [mehr]
D. Pawlowska, C. Janich, A. Langner, B. Dobner, C. Wölk, G. Brezesinski. The Impact of Alkyl‐Chain Purity on Lipid‐Based Nucleic Acid Delivery Systems – Is the Utilization of Lipid Components with Technical Grade Justified?ChemPhysChem 2019, 20, 2110. [mehr]
S. Tassler, B. Dobner, L. Lampp, R. Ziółkowski, E. Malinowska, C. Wölk, G. Brezesinski: DNA Delivery Systems Based on Peptide-Mimicking Cationic Lipids—The Effect of the Co-Lipid on the Structure and DNA Binding Capacity. Langmuir 2019, 35, 13, 4613-4625 [mehr]
S. Drescher, C. Otto, S. Müller, V.M. Garamus, C.J. Garvey, S. Grünert, A. Lischka, A. Meister, A. Blume und B. Dobner: The impact of headgroup asymmetry and protonation state on the aggregation behavior of a new type of glycerol diether bolalipid. Langmuir 2018, 34, 4360-4373. [mehr]
J. Giselbrecht, C. Janich, S.R. Pinnapireddy, G. Hause, U. Bakowsky, C. Wölk und A. Langner: Overcoming the polycation dilemma - Explorative studies to characterise the efficiency and biocompatibility of newly designed lipofection reagents. Int. J of Pharm. 2018, 541, 81-92. [mehr]
T. Schmitt, S. Lange, S. Sonnenberger, B. Dobner, B. Demé, R.H.H. Neubert, G. Gooris und J.A. ouwstra: Determination of the influence of C24 D/(2R)- and L/(2S)isomers of the CER[AP] on the lamellar structure of stratum corneum model systems using neutron diffraction. Chem. Phys. Lipids 2017, 209, 29-36. [mehr]
T. Markowski, S. Müller, B. Dobner, A. Meister, A. Blume und S. Drescher: An Asymmetrical Glycerol Diether Bolalipid with Protonable Phosphodimethylethanolamine Headgroup: The Impact of pH on Aggregation Behavior and Miscibility with DPPC. Polymers 2017, 9, 573. [mehr]
E.N. Tessema, T. Gebre-Mariam, S. Lange, B. Dobner und R.H.H. Neubert: Potential application of oat-derived ceramides in improving skin barrier function: Part 1. Isolation and structural characterization. Journal of Chromatography B 2017, 1065-1066, 87-95. [mehr]
T. Schmitt, S. Lange, B. Dobner, S. Sonnenberger, T. Hauss und R.H.H. Neubert: Investigation of a CER[NP]- and [AP]-Based Stratum Corneum Modeling Membrane System: Using Specifically Deuterated CER Together with a Neutron Diffraction Approach. Langmuir 2017, in press. [mehr]
S. Stahlberg, A. Eichner, S. Sonnenberger, A. Kovacik, S. Lange, T. Schmitt, B. Deme, T. Hauss, B. Dobner und R.H.H. Neubert: Influence of a Novel Dimeric Ceramide Molecule on the Nanostructure and Thermotropic Phase Behavior of a Stratum Corneum Model Mixture. Langmuir 2017 33, 9211-9221. [mehr]
C. Janich, A. Hädicke, U. Bakowsky, G. Brezesinski und C. Wölk: Interaction of DNA with Cationic Lipid Mixtures—Investigation at Langmuir Lipid Monolayers. Langmuir 2017, 10172–10183, [mehr]
C. Wölk, C. Janich, U. Bakowsky, A. Langner und G. Brezesinski: Malonic acid based cationic lipids – The way to highly efficient DNA-carriers. Adv. Coll. Interface Science 2017, 248, 20-34, [mehr]
S. Tassler, C. Wölk, C. Janich, B. Dobner und G. Brezesinski: Lysine-based amino-functionalized lipids for gene transfection: the protonation state in monolayers at the air–liquid interface. PCCP 2017, 19, 20271-20280, [mehr]
S. Sonnenberger, A. Eichner, T. Hauss, A. Schroeter, T. Schmitt, T. Hauß, S. Lange, A. Langner, R.H.H. Neubert und B. Dobner: Synthesis of specific deuterated derivatives of the long chained stratum corneum lipids [EOS] and [EOP] and characterization using neutron scattering. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 2017, 60, 316-330. [mehr]
S. Sonnenberger, A. Eichner, T. Hauss, A. Schroeter, R.H.H. Neubert und B. Dobner: Synthesis of specifically deuterated ceramide [AP]-C18 and its biophysical characterization using neutron diffraction. Chem. Phys. Lipids 2017, 204, 15-24. [mehr]
J.S.L. Oliveira, S. Lange, B. Dobner, G. Brezesinski: The effect of non-deuterated and deuterated isopropyl myristate on the thermodynamical and structural behavior of a 2D Stratum Corneum model with Ceramide [AP]. Chem.Phys. Lipids 2017, 204, 1-9. [mehr]
A. Schroeter, S. Stahlberg, B. Skolova, S. Sonnenberger, A. Eichner, D. Huster, K. Vavrova, T. Hauß, B. Dobner, R.H.H. Neubert, A. Vogel: Phase separation in ceramide[NP] containing lipid model membranes: neutron diffraction and solid-state NMR. Soft Matter 2017, 13, 2107-2119. [mehr]
A. Eichner, S. Stahlberg, S. Sonnenberger, S. Lange, B. Dobner, A. Ostermann, T.E. Schrader, T. Hauß, A. Schroeter, D. Huster: Influence of the penetration enhancer isopropyl myristate on stratum corneum lipid model membranes revealed by neutron diffraction and 2H NMR experiments. BBA - Biomembranes 2017, 1859, 745-755. [mehr]
C. Janich, S.R. Pinnapireddy, F. Erdmann, T. Groth, A. Langner, U. Bakowsky, and C. Wölk: Fast therapeutic DNA internalization – a high potential transfection system based on a peptide mimicking cationic lipid. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2017, 118, 38-47, [mehr]
R.H.H. Neubert, O. Bayrak, S. Steinbach, S. Sonnenberger, and B. Dobner: Development and Validation of Analytical Methods for the Detection and Quantification of a Novel Dimeric Ceramide in Stratum Corneum and Other Layers of the Skin. Chromatographia 2016, 79, 1615-1624, [mehr]
S. Sonnenberger, S. Lange, A. Langner, R.H.H. Neubert and B. Dobner: Synthesis of ceramides NS and NP with perdeuterated and specifically ω deuterated N-acyl residues. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 2016, 59, 531-542, [mehr]
A. Eichner, S. Sonnenberger, B. Dobner, T. Hauß, A. Schroeter and R.H.H. Neubert: Localization of methyl-branched ceramide [EOS] species within the long-periodicity phase in stratum corneum lipid model membranes: A neutron diffraction study. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 2016, 1858, 2911-2922, [mehr]
C. Janich, S. Taßler, A. Meister, G. Hause, J. Schäfer, U. Bakowsky, G. Brezesinski and C. Wölk: Structures of malonic acid diamide/phospholipid composites and their lipoplexes. (Widmung zum 60. Geburtstag von Herrn Prof. Langner)
Soft Matter 2016, 12, 5854-5866, [mehr]
R.H.H. Neubert, S. Sonnenberger, B. Dobner, C.W.Gray Jr, K.N. Barger, K. Sevi-Maxwell, E. Sommer, J. Wohlrab
Controlled Penetration of a Novel Dimeric Ceramide into and across the Stratum Corneum Using Microemulsions and Various Types of Semisolid Formulations.
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2016, 29, 130-134. [mehr]
S. Stahlberg, S. Lange, B. Dobner, and D. Huster: Probing the Role of Ceramide Headgroup Polarity in Short-Chain Model Skin Barrier Lipid Mixtures by 2H Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.
Langmuir. 2016, 32, 2023-2031. [mehr]
C. Janich, C. Wölk, F. Erdmann, T. Groth, G. Brezesinski, B. Dobner, and A. Langner: Composites of malonic acid diamides and phospholipids — Impact of lipoplex stability on transfection efficiency.
J. Controlled Release 2015, 220, 295–307. [mehr]
C. Wölk, C. Janich, A. Meister, S. Drescher, A. Langner, G. Brezesinski, and U. Bakowsky: Investigation of Binary Lipid Mixtures of a Three-Chain Cationic Lipid with Phospholipids Suitable for Gene Delivery.
Bioconjugate Chem. 2015, 26 (12), 2461–2473. [mehr]
T. Markowski, S. Drescher, G. Förster, B. Lechner, A. Meister, A. Blume, and B. Dobner: Highly Asymmetrical Glycerol Diether Bolalipids: Synthesis and Temperature-Dependent Aggregation Behavior.
Langmuir. 2015, 31, 10683–10692. [mehr]
X. Zhang, L. Dai, A. Wang, C. Wölk, B. Dobner, G. Brezesinski, Y. Tang, X. Wang, and J. Li: The Directional Observation of Highly Dynamic Membrane Tubules Formation Induced by Engulfed Liposomes. Scientific Reports 5, Art. Num. 16559, doi: 10.1038/srep16559 [mehr]
D. Paiva, T. Markowski, B. Dobner, G. Brezesinki, H. Möhwald, M. do Carmo Pereira, and S. Rocha: Synthesis and study of the the complex formation of a cationic alkyl-chain bola amino alcohol with DNA: in virto transfection efficiency.
Colloid Polym. Sci. 2015, published online. [mehr]
N. Erdmann, C. Wölk, I. Schulze, C. Janich, M. Folz, S. Drescher, M. Dittrich, A. Meister, J. Vogel, T. Groth, B. Dobner, and A. Langner: Tris(2-aminoethyl) amine-based alpha-branched fatty acid amides - Synthesis of lipids and comparative study of transfection efficiency of their lipid formulations.
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2015, 96, 349-362. [mehr]
C. Wölk, C. Janich, D. Pawlowska, S. Drescher, A. Meister, G. Hause, B. Dobner, A. Langner, and G. Brezesinski: Lamellar versus Micellar Structures - Aggregation Behaviour of a Three-Chain Cationic Lipid Designed for Nonviral Polynucleotide Transfer.
ChemPhysChem 2015, 10, 2115-2126. [mehr]
F.F. Sahle, T. Gebre-Mariam, B. Dobner, J. Wohlrab, R.H.H. Neubert: Skin Diseases Associated with the Depletion of Stratum Corneum Lipids and Stratum Corneum Lipid Substitution Therapy.
Skin Pharmacol. Physiol. 2015, 28, 42-55. [mehr]
A. Zumbruehl, B. Dobner, G. Brezesinski: Phase behavior of selected artificial lipids.
Curr. Opin. Colloid. In. 2014, 19, 17-24. [mehr]
S. Drescher, A. Meister, V.M. Garamus, G. Hause, C.J. Garvey, B. Dobner, and A. Blume: Phenylene bolaamphiphiles: Influence of the substitution pattern on the aggregation behavior and the miscibility with classical phospholipids.
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2014, 116, 1205-1216. [mehr]
C. Janich, C. Wölk, S. Taßler, S. Drescher, A. Meister, G. Brezesinski, B. Dobner and A. Langner: Composites of malonic acid diamides and phospholipids - structural parmeters for optimal transfection efficiency in A549 cells.
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2014, 116, 1184-1194. [mehr]
C. Wölk, D. Pawlowska, S. Drescher, A. Auerswald, A. Meister, G. Hause, A. Blume, A. Langner, G. Brezesinski, and B. Dobner: New micellar transfection agents.
Langmuir 2014, 30, 4905–4915. [mehr]
T. Markowski, S. Drescher, A. Meister, A. Blume, and B. Dobner: Structure-properties relationships in a series of diglycerol tetraether
model lipids and their lyotropic assemblies: Effect of branching topology
and chirality.
Org. Biomol. Chem. 2014, 12, 3649-3662. [mehr]
S. Drescher and B. Dobner: Synthesis of novel asymmetrical single-chain phosphoglycol-based bolaamphiphiles.
Synthetic Commun. 2014, 44, 564-573. [mehr]
G. Graf, S. Drescher, A. Meister, V.M. Garamus, B. Dobner, and A. Blume: Tuning the Aggregation Behaviour of Single-Chain Bolaamphiphiles in Aqueous Suspension by Changes in Headgroup Asymmetry.
Soft Matter 2013, 9, 9562-9571. [mehr]
C. Wölk, S. Drescher, A. Meister, A. Blume, A. Langner, and B. Dobner:
General Synthesis and Physico-Chemical Characterisation of a Series of Peptide-Mimic Lysine-Based Amino-Functionalised Lipids.
Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 12824-12838. [mehr]
C. Baumert, M. Günthel, S. Krawczyk, M. Hemmer, T. Wersig, A. Langner, J. Molnár, H. Lage, and A. Hilgeroth: Development of small-molecule P-gp inhibitors of the N-benzyl 1,4-dihydropyridine type: Noval aspects in SAR and bioanalytical evaluation of multidrug resistance (MDR) reversal properties.
Bioorgan. Med. Chem. 2013, 21, 166-177. [mehr]
A. Blume, S. Drescher, A. Meister, G. Graf, and B. Dobner: Turning the Aggregation Behaviour of Single-Chain Bolaphospholipids in Aqueos Suspension: From Nanoparticles to Nanofibres to Lamellar Phases.
Faraday Discuss. 2013, 161, 193-213. [mehr]
G. Graf, S. Drescher, A. Meister, V.M. Garamus, B. Dobner, and A. Blume: Bolalipid fiber aggregation can be modulated by the introduction of sulfur atoms into the spacer chains.
J. Colloid. Interf. Sci. 2013, 393, 143-150. [mehr]
S. Drescher, S. Sonnenberger, A. Meister, A. Blume, and B. Dobner: Synthesis of symmetrical, single-chain, phenylene/biphenylene-modified bolaamphiphiles.
Monatsh. Chemie 2012, 143, 1533-1543. [mehr]
S. Drescher, G. Hempel, W.H. Binder, B. Dobner, A. Blume, and A. Meister: Functionalization of Bolalipid Nanofibers by Silicification and Subsequent One-Dimensional Fixation of Gold Nanoparticles.
Langmuir 2012, 28, 11615-11624. [mehr]
T. N. Engelbrecht, B. Deme, B. Dobner, and R. R. H. Neubert: Study of the Influence of the Penetration Enhancer Isopropyl Myristate on the Nanostructure of Stratum Corneum Lipid Model Membranes Using Neutron Diffraction and Deuterium Labelling.
Skin Pharmacol. Physiol. 2012, 25, 200-207. [mehr]
S. Drescher, S. Becker, B. Dobner, and A. Blume: Bis-Sonogashira Cross-Coupling: An Expeditious Approach towards Long-Chain, Phenylene-Modified 1,omega-Diols.
RSC Adv. 2012, 2, 4052-4054. [mehr]
F. Sahle, S. Lange, B. Dobner, J. Wohlrab, and R. H. H. Neubert: Development and Validation of LC/ESI-MS Method for Detection and Quantification of Exogenous Ceramide NP in Stratum Corneum and Other Layers of the Skin.
J. Pharmaceut. Biomed. 2012, 60, 7-13. [mehr]
G. Brezesinski, I. Berndt, B. Dobner, and D. Vollhardt: Dominance of long-chain N,O-diacylated ethanolamine in mixed amphiphilic acid amide monolayers.
Colloid Surface A 2011, 391, 2-9. [mehr]
M. Dittrich, M. Böttcher, J. S. L. Oliveira, B. Dobner, H. Möhwald, and G. Brezesinski: Physical-chemical chracterization of novel cationic transfection lipids and the binding of model DNA at the air-water interface.
Soft Matter 2011, 7, 10162-10173. [mehr]
T. Markowski, S. Drescher, A. Meister, G. Hause, A. Blume, and B. Dobner: Synthesis of Optical Pure Diglyceroltetraether Model Lipids with Non-Natural Branching Pattern.
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2011, 5894-5904. [mehr]
T. Engelbrecht, T. Hauß, K. Süß, A. Vogel, M. Roark, S. E. Feller, R. H. H. Neubert, and B. Dobner: Characterisation of a new ceramide EOS species: synthesis and investigation of the thermotropic phase behaviour and influence on the bilayer architecture of stratum corneum lipid model membranes.
Soft Matter 2011, 7, 8998-9011. [mehr]
G. Graf, S. Drescher, A. Meister, B. Dobner, and A. Blume: Self-Assembled Bolaamphiphile Fibers have Intermediate Properties between Crystalline Nanofibers and Wormlike Micelles: Formation of Viscoelastic Hydrogels Switchable by Changes in pH and Salinity.
J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 10478-10487. [mehr]
M. Dittrich, M. Heinze, C. Wölk, S. S. Funari, B. Dobner, H. Möhwald, and G. Brezesinski: Structure-Function Relationships of New Lipids Designed for DNA Transfection.
ChemPhysChem 2011, 12, 2328-2337. [mehr]
G. Brezesinski, B. Dobner, C. Stefaniu and D. Vollhardt: Monolayer Characteristics of an N-Acylated Ethanolamine at the Air/Water Interface.
J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 8206-8213. [mehr]
G. Brezesinski, B. Dobner, C. Stefaniu and D. Vollhardt: Monolayer Characteristics of a Long-Chain N,O-Diacyl Substituted Ethanolamine at the Air/Water Interface.
Langmuir 2011, 27, 5386-5392. [mehr]
C. Wölk, M. Heinze, P. Kreideweiß, M. Dittrich, G. Brezesinski, A. Langner and B. Dobner: Synthesis and DNA transfection properties of new head group modified malonic acid diamides.
Int. J. Pharm. 2011, 409, 46-56. [mehr]
M. Bastrop, A. Meister, H. Metz, S. Drescher, B. Dobner, K. Mäder and A. Blume: Water Dynamics in Bolaamphiphile Hydrogels Investigated by 1H-NMR Relaxometry and Diffusometry.
J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 14-22. [mehr]
C. Coburger, H. Lage, J. Molnár, A. Langner and A. Hilgeroth: Multidrug resistance reversal properties and cytotoxic evaluation of representatives of a novel class of HIV-1 protease inhibitors.
J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 2010, 62, 1704-1710. [mehr]
S. Drescher, G. Graf, G. Hause, B. Dobner and A. Meister: Amino-Functionalized Single-Chain Bolalipids: Synthesis and Aggregation Behavior of New Basic Building Blocks.
Biophys. Chem. 2010, 150, 136-143. [mehr]
M. Heinze, G. Brezesinski, B. Dobner and A. Langner: Novel Cationic Lipids Based on Malonic Acid Amides Backbone: Transfection Efficacy and Cell Toxicity Properties.
Bioconjugate Chem. 2010, 21, 696-708. [mehr]
S. Drescher, K. Helmis, A. Langner and B. Dobner: Synthesis of novel symmetrical, single-chain, diacetylene-modified bolaamphiphiles with different alkyl chain lengths.
Monatsh. Chemie 2010, 141, 339-349. [mehr]
A. Meister, S. Drescher, G. Karlsson, G. Hause, U. Baumeister, G. Hempel, V.M. Garamus, B. Dobner and A. Blume: Formation of Square Lamellae by Self-Assembly of Long-Chain Bolaphospholipids in Water.
Soft Matter 2010, 6, 1317-1324. [mehr]
D. Kessner, G. Brezesinski, S.S. Funari, B. Dobner and R.H.H. Neubert: Impact of the long chain omega-acyl ceramides on the Stratum corneum lipid nanostructure. Part 1: Thermotropic phase behaviour of CER[EOS] and CER[EOP] studied using X-ray powder diffraction and FT-Raman spectroscopy.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 2010, 163, 42-50. [mehr]
M.N. Antipina, I.C. Schulze, M. Heinze, B. Dobner, A. Langner and G. Brezesinski: Physical-Chemical Properties and Transfection Activity of Novel Cationic Lipids/DNA Complexes.
Chem. Phys. Chem. 2009, 10, 2471-2479. [mehr]
C. Göllner, C. Philipp, B. Dobner, W. Sippl and M. Schmidt: First total synthesis of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-3-(N-palmitoyl-6′-amino-6′-deoxy-α-d-glucosyl)- sn-glycerol — a glycoglycerolipid of a marine alga with a high inhibitor activity against human Myt1-kinase
Carbohydrate Research 2009, 344, 1628-1631. [mehr]
M. Richter, A. Richter, A. Langner and A. Hilgeroth: Evaluation of substrate and inhibitor properties of a novel MDR modulator H17 towards transmembrane efflux pumps.
Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2009, 44, 3060-3063. [mehr]
M. Bastrop, A. Meister, H. Metz, S. Drescher, B. Dobner, K. Mäder and A. Blume: The motional dynamics in bolaamphiphile nanofibers and micellar aggregates: An ESR spin probe study.
J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 574-582. [mehr]
M. Schmidt, M. Teitge, M. E. Castillo, T. Brandt, B. Dobner and A. Langner: Synthesis and Biochemical Characterization of New Phenothiazines and Related Drugs as MDR Reversal Agents.
Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 2008, 341, 624-638. [mehr]
S. Drescher, A. Meister, G. Graf, G. Hause, A. Blume and B. Dobner: General Synthesis and Aggregation Behaviour of Novel Single-chain Bolaphospholipids: Variations in Chain and Headgroup Structures.
Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 6796-6804. [mehr]
D. Kessner, M.A. Kiselev, T. Hauss, S. Dante, S. Wartewig and R.H.H. Neubert: Localisation of partially deuterated cholesterol in quaternary SC lipid model membranes: a neutron diffraction study.
Eur. Biophys. J. 2008, 37, 1051-1057. [mehr]
D. Kessner, M.A. Kiselev, S. Dante, T. Hauss, P. Lersch, S. Wartewig and R.H.H. Neubert: Arrangement of ceramide [EOS] in a stratum corneum lipid model matrix: new aspects revealed by neutron diffraction studies.
Eur. Biophys. J. 2008, 37, 989-999 [mehr]
A. Meister, S. Drescher, V.M. Garamus, G. Karlsson, G. Graf, B. Dobner and A. Blume: Temperature-dependent Self-assembly and Mixing Behavior of Symmetrical Single-chain Bolaamphiphiles.
Langmuir 2008, 24, 6238-6246. [mehr]
A. Meister, S. Drescher, I. Mey, M. Wahab, G. Graf, V.M. Garamus, G. Hause, H.-J. Mögel, A. Janshoff, B. Dobner and A. Blume: Helical Nanofibers of Self-Assembled Bipolar Phospholipids as Template for Gold Nanoparticles.
J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 4506-4511. [mehr]
M.N. Antipina, B. Dobner, O.V. Konovalov, V.L. Shapovalov and G. Brezesinski: Investigation of the Protonation State of Novel Cationic Lipids Designed for Gene Transfection.
J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 13845-13850. [mehr]
A. Meister, K. Köhler, S. Drescher, B. Dobner, G. Karlsson, K. Edwards, G. Hause and A. Blume: Mixing Behavior of a Symmetrical Single-Chain Bolaamphiphile with Phospholipids.
Soft Matter 2007, 3, 1025-1031. [mehr]
A. Meister, M. Bastrop, S. Koschoreck, V.M. Garamus, T. Sinemus, G. Hempel, S. Drescher, B. Dobner, W. Richtering, K. Huber and A. Blume: Structure-Property Relationship in Stimulus-Responsive Bolaamphiphile Hydrogels.
Langmuir 2007, 23, 7715-7723. [mehr]
A. Meister, M.J. Weygand, G. Brezesinski, A. Kerth, S. Drescher, B. Dobner and A. Blume: Evidence for a Reverse U-Shaped Conformation of Single-Chain Bolaamphiphiles at the Air-Water Interface.
Langmuir 2007, 23, 6063-6069. [mehr]
S. Drescher, D. Ramsbeck, D. Briel, and B. Dobner: Selective Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions in 2,4,6-Trisulfanyl-substituted Pyrimidin-5-carbonitriles by Secondary Amines.
J. Het. Chem. 2007, 44, 757-763. [mehr]
S. Drescher, A. Meister, A. Blume, G. Karlsson, M. Almgren and B. Dobner: General Synthesis and Aggregation Behaviour of a Series of Single-chain 1,omega-Bis(phosphocholines).
Chem. Eur. J. 2007, 13, 5300-5307. [mehr]
M.N. Antipina, I. Schulze, B. Dobner, A. Langner and G. Brezesinski: Physicochemical Investigation of a Lipid with a New Core Structure for Gene Transfection: 2-Amino-3-hexadecyloxy-2-(hexadecyloxymethyl)propan-1-ol.
Langmuir, 2007, 23, 3919-3926. [mehr]
M. Schmidt, J. Ungvari, J. Glöde, B. Dobner and A. Langner: New 1,3-dioxolane and 1,3-dioxane derivatives as effective modulators to overcome multidrug resistance.
Bioorg. Med. Chem., 2007, 15, 2283-2297. [mehr]
X. Yue, B. Dobner, K. Iimura, T. Kato, H. Möhwald and G. Brezesinski: Weak First-Order Tilting Transition in Monolayers of Mono- and Bipolar Docosanol Derivatives.
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006, 110, 22237-22244. [mehr]
K. Köhler, A. Meister, B. Dobner, S. Drescher, F. Ziethe and A. Blume: Temperature-Dependent Aggregation Behavior of Symmetric Long-Chain Bolaamphiphiles at the Air-Water Interface.
Langmuir 2006, 22, 2668-2675. [mehr]
K. Köhler, A. Meister, G. Förster, B. Dobner, S. Drescher, F. Ziethe, W. Richer, F. Steininger, M. Drechsler, G. Hause and A. Blume: Conformational and thermal behavior of a pH-sensitive bolaform hydrogelator.
Soft Matter 2006, 2, 77-86. [mehr]
A. Langner, R. Neubert and H. Remane: 175 Jahre Pharmazeutische Ausbildung in Halle (Saale).
Halle, 2005
D. Briel, S. Drescher and B. Dobner: Selective Nucleophilic Replacement of the Benzylsulfanyl Group in 2,4-Disulfanyl-substituted Thieno[2.3-d]pyrimidin-6-carboxylic Acid Derivatives by Secondary Amines.
J. Het. Chem. 2005, 42, 841-846. [mehr]
A. Langner: Toxikologische Prüfung von Arzneimitteln zur Anwendung am Menschen
In: Arzneimittelkontrolle - Drug Control (Hrsg. S. Göber, P. Surmann)
Stuttgart, 2005, 596-612.
A. Langner: Bioverfügbarkeit und Bioäquivalenz
In: Arzneimittelkontrolle - Drug Control (Hrsg. S. Göber, P. Surmann)
Stuttgart, 2005, 583-596.
D. Briel, K. Drößler, A. Rybak, M. Holzer and B. Dobner: Protected mercaptoalkylpyrimidinones: Synthesis and test for immunostimulating activity.
Pharmazie 2005, 60, 6, 415-417. [mehr]
D. Mirska, K. Schirmer, S.S. Funari, A. Langner, B. Dobner and G. Brezesinski: Biophysical and biochemical properties of a binary lipid mixture for DNA transfection.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2005, 40, 51-59. [mehr]
A. Langner and G. Rücker:
Arzneibuchkommentare (Hrsg. G. Rücker)
17., 18. und 19. Ergänzungslieferung (15 Monographien)
Eschborn, 2004
K. Köhler, G. Förster, A. Hauser, B. Dobner, U.F. Heiser, F. Ziethe, W. Richter, F. Steiniger, M. Drechsler, H. Stettin and A. Blume: Temperature-Dependent Behavior of a Symmetric Long-Chain Bolaamphiphile with Phosphocholine Headgroups in Water: From Hydrogel to Nanoparticles.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 16804-16813. [mehr]
X. Yue, P. Steffen, B. Dobner, G. Brezesinski and H. Möhwald: Monolayers of mono- and bipolar palmitic acid derivates.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 2004, 250, 57-65. [mehr]
K. Köhler, G. Förster, A. Hauser, B. Dobner, U.F. Heiser, F. Ziethe, W. Richter, F. Steiniger, M. Drechsler, H. Stettin and A. Blume: Selbstaggregation in einem bipolaren Phospholipid-Wasser-System: die Bildung von Nanofasern und Hydrogelen.
Angew. Chem. 2004, 116, 247-249, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 245-247. [mehr]
D. Briel, M. Holzer, S. Leistner, K. Drößler and B. Dobner: Synthesis of mercaptoalkyl-pyrimidin derivatives with immunomodulating activity
Pharmazie 2003, 10, 759-760. [mehr]
K. Schirmer, L.B. Uhlmann, I. Schulze, A. Langner and B. Dobner: Cationic lipids for gene transfer.
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 1, 98.
M. Schmidt, A. Langner and A. Büge: New Phenothiazine derivatives as novel potential MDR-reversal agents.
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 1, 98.
I. Schulze, K. Schirmer, A. Langner and B. Dobner: Synthesis of cationic gemini lipids for gene transfection.
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 1, 99.
J. Ungvari, A. Langner, A. Büge and M. Schmidt: In quest of new chemosenitizer - innovative structures to overcome multidrug resistance.
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 1, 102.
G. Drutkowski, C. Donner, I. Schulze and P. Frohberg: Derivatives of arylhydrazonic acids. Part 2: A facile approach to novel 4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazoles via cyclization of amidrazones.
Tetrahedron 2002, 58, 5317-5326. [mehr]
D. Briel, T. Franz and B. Dobner: Synthesis and Reactions of 6-Methylsulfanyl-2,4-dithioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidin-5-carbonitrile
J. Het. Chem. 2002, 39, 863-868.
F. Bringezu, B. Dobner and G. Brezesinski: Generic Phase Behavior of Branched-chain Phospholipid Monolayers.
Chem. Eur. J. 2002, 8, 3203-3210. [mehr]
M. Schmidt, S.K. Chatterjee, B. Dobner and P. Nuhn: New modified single chained glycolipids. Part 1: synthesis of deoxy and partially O-methylated glycolipids with or without a sulfur containing spacer.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 2002, 114, 139-147. [mehr]
M. Schmidt, B. Dobner and P. Nuhn: Synthesis of Glycolipid Clusters with Pentaerythritol Cores and Different Ethyleneoxy-Spaced Mannose Residues as Terminal Carbohydrates.
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2002, 669-674. [mehr]
K. Mühlenfeld and A. Langner: Cytochrome P 450 1A1 and 4A activites in isolasted rat spleen lymphocytes.
Pharmazie 2001, 56, 329-331.
U. Kürschner and A. Langner: Investigations on the biotransformation and drug toxicity with the human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT, Part II.
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2001, 334, 2, 40.
P. Nuhn, H. Spahn-Langguth and A. Langner: Wirkung von Molekülpumpen. Hochaktuelle Zielstrukturen der Arzneimittelforschung.
Scientia halensis 2001, 2, 19-21
W. Pohle, C. Selle, W. Rettig, U.F. Heiser, B. Dobner and S. Wartewig: Phase Transitions and Hydrogen Bonding in a Bipolar Phosphocholine Evidenced by Calorimetry and Vibrational Spectroscopy.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2001, 396, 151-161. [mehr]
F. Bringezu, G. Rapp, B. Dobner, P. Nuhn and G. Brezesinski: Stability and structures of liquid crystalline phases formed by branched-chain phospholipid diastereomers.
J. Phys. Chem. B 2001, 105, 1901-1907. [mehr]
A. Hilgeroth and A. Langner: First bioanalytical evaluation of non peptidic cage dimeric HIV-1 protease inhibitor N-benzyl 4-aryl-1,4-dihydropyridine H17: biotransformation and toxicity on Hep G2 cells.
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2000, 333, 32-34.
U. Kürschner and A. Langner: Investigations on the biotransformation and drug toxicity with the human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT.
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2000, 333, 2, 49.
A. Hilgeroth and A. Langner: Plasma protein binding properties of dimeric 4-aryl-1,4-dihydropyridines as novel non peptidic HIV-1 protease inhibitors.
Pharmazie 2000, 55, 542-543.
A. Hilgeroth and A. Langner: Bioanalysis of syn dimeric HIV-1 protease inhibitor N-benzyl 4-aryl-1,4-dihydropyridine H19: metabolic and cytotixic properties in Hep G2 cells.
Arch. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2000, 333, 195-197.
B. Göber, L. Kny and A. Langner: Arzneimittelkontrolle - der pharmazeutische Beitrag zur Gewährleistung der Arzneimittelsicherheit.
PharmUZ 2000, 29, 174-182.
B. Göber, L. Kny and A. Langner: Arzneimittelkontrolle - der pharmazeutische Beitrag zur Gewährleistung der Arzneimittelsicherheit II.
PharmUZ 2000, 29, 237-242.
F. Bringezu, G. Rapp, B. Dobner, P. Nuhn and G. Brezesinski: Structures and phase transitions in aqueous dispersions of branched-chain glycerophosphoethanolamines.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2000, 2, 4509-4514. [mehr]
M. Schmidt, B. Dobner and P. Nuhn: Synthesis of polyfunctional pentaerythritol-derivatives using a novel protective group strategy for the preparation of cluster-glycolipids.
Synlett 2000, 8, 1157-1159. [mehr]